Author Guidelines
Guidelines for Authors
The Epione is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal published Biannually. It serves as a platform for disseminating the latest advancements in scientific knowledge across all branches of medicine and allied sciences, offering original research, systematic reviews, case reports, short communications, and commentaries.
Aims and Objectives
The Epione provides medical and allied health professionals with up-to-date information on diagnosis, investigations, management, and other health-related challenges. Articles include original research, systematic reviews, case reports, short communications, new techniques, editorials, and letters to the editor. Each issue covers core biomedical sciences and emerging public health issues, prepared in accordance with the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Submissions are reviewed by subject specialists from Pakistan and abroad.
Submission Format and Process
All manuscripts must be submitted online through the journal's submission portal:
The corresponding author is responsible for the manuscript throughout the submission and review process.
Ensure all authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript.
A Letter of Undertaking signed by all authors must accompany the submission.
Title Page
The title page must include the following:
Full title of the manuscript.
Names of all authors with qualifications, affiliations, and roles.
Corresponding author's contact information, including email and phone number.
Word count (excluding abstract and references).
Source of funding and conflicts of interest.
A short running title.
Original Articles: Structured abstract (Objective, Methodology, Results, Conclusion) up to 250 words.
Case Reports, Short Communications, and Reviews: Non-structured abstract up to 150 words.
Include 3-6 keywords selected from MeSH terms.
Main Manuscript Sections
Provide background, rationale, and objectives.
Include relevant references to highlight the study's importance.
The Methods section must include sufficient detail to allow other researchers to replicate the study. This section should be written clearly and concisely, typically without subheadings unless necessary for complex designs.
Study Design
Specify the type of study conducted:
Observational (e.g., cross-sectional, cohort, or case-control).
Experimental (e.g., randomized controlled trial, quasi-experimental).
Mention if the study is prospective, retrospective, or mixed.
b. Ethical Approval
State that the study adhered to ethical principles (e.g., Declaration of Helsinki for human research).
Provide details of the institutional review board (IRB) or ethics committee approval, including:
Name of the approving body.
Approval number or code.
A scanned copy of the approval letter should be submitted as a supplementary document during submission.
Mention informed consent if applicable (e.g., “Written informed consent was obtained from all participants.”).
c. Study Setting and Duration
Clearly describe the location where the study was conducted, such as:
Hospital, community, or laboratory settings.
Specify the duration of the study, including:
Start and end dates.
d. Population and Sampling
Population: Define the target population (e.g., “Patients aged 18–60 diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.”).
Sample Size:
Mention the sample size and how it was calculated, referencing a statistical formula if used.
Sampling Method:
Specify the sampling technique, such as random sampling, stratified sampling, or convenience sampling.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria:
Clearly list the criteria for including and excluding participants.
e. Variables and Measurements
Define primary and secondary variables.
Describe how each variable was measured or collected:
Instruments used (e.g., “Blood glucose was measured using XYZ Analyzer, Model 1234, manufactured by ABC Corporation.”).
Validity and reliability of instruments, if applicable.
f. Procedures
Provide a step-by-step description of the methods used for data collection.
Example: “Participants were interviewed using a structured questionnaire consisting of 30 items covering socio-demographic data, health behaviors, and clinical outcomes.”
For interventions:
Detail the procedures or treatments given.
Describe control groups, blinding methods, and randomization techniques.
g. Data Collection Tools
Describe tools or instruments used, including:
Questionnaires or surveys.
Laboratory equipment (manufacturer name and model).
Include references if the tools are pre-validated.
h. Statistical Analysis
Mention the software used for analysis (e.g., SPSS, Stata, R), including version number.
Specify statistical methods applied:
Descriptive statistics (e.g., mean, standard deviation, frequencies).
Inferential statistics (e.g., t-tests, chi-square tests, regression analyses).
Indicate the threshold for statistical significance (e.g., “A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.”).
i. Special Considerations
For experimental studies:
Explain the randomization process.
State blinding (single, double, or triple) if applied.
For qualitative research:
Describe data coding and thematic analysis.
Mention software used for qualitative analysis.
j. Ethical Considerations for Specific Populations
Address special considerations if the study involves vulnerable populations (e.g., minors, pregnant women, or individuals with disabilities).
Describe measures to ensure participants’ autonomy and confidentiality.
Methods Sample (without subheadings)
This cross-sectional study was conducted at XYZ Hospital, city, Country, from January 2022 to December 2022. Ethical approval was obtained from the XYZ Ethics Committee (Approval No: 123/2022). Written informed consent was obtained from all participants.
Study Population
The study included adult patients aged 18–60 years diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Patients with a history of malignancy or major psychiatric disorders were excluded. A total of 200 participants were recruited using simple random sampling.
Data Collection
Data were collected using a structured questionnaire, which included socio-demographic characteristics, clinical history, and laboratory results. Blood samples were collected under aseptic conditions and analyzed using the ABC Analyzer (Model 1234, ABC Corporation).
Statistical Analysis
Data were analyzed using SPSS (Version 26). Descriptive statistics, including mean and standard deviation, were calculated for continuous variables, while frequencies and percentages were reported for categorical variables. Chi-square tests were used to assess associations between categorical variables. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant
Present findings with supporting tables and figures, avoiding duplication in text.
Use descriptive and inferential statistics with standard deviations and p-values where applicable.
Tables and Figures
Use tables and figures to present detailed data.
Tables: Suitable for numerical data or large datasets (e.g., baseline characteristics, multivariable analyses).
Figures: Ideal for trends, patterns, or visual comparisons (e.g., line charts, bar graphs, scatterplots).
Reference each table/figure in the text (e.g., “As shown in Table II…”).
Avoid repeating data in the text that is already presented in tables or figures; instead, highlight key takeaways.
Statistical Reporting
Clearly indicate statistical significance and trends.
Always include:
Statistical test applied (e.g., chi-square, t-test, ANOVA).
Exact p-values (e.g., p = 0.03) rather than ranges (e.g., p < 0.05).
Confidence intervals (e.g., 95% CI: 1.2–2.4) when applicable.
Policy on Tables and Figures
Original articles and reviews: Maximum of 4 tables/figures.
Short communications: Maximum of 2 tables/figures.
Submit figures as high-resolution (300 dpi) JPEG or PNG files.
Additional PKR 1,000/USD 10 per figure/table exceeding the maximum limit.
Interpret findings in the context of existing literature.
Highlight study limitations and strengths.
Conclude with recommendations for future research.
Summarize key findings concisely without introducing new data.
Acknowledge individuals or organizations contributing to the study without meeting authorship criteria.
Follow Vancouver style; citations should be superscript in the text.
Minimum 50% of references must be from the last 5 years.
Include DOIs for journal articles where available.
Example: Hall RR. The healing of tissue by CO2 laser. Br J Surg. 1971;58(4):222-225.
Plagiarism Policy
The Epione uses Turnitin software for plagiarism detection.
Similarity index: Must be below 19%, with no single source exceeding 5%.
Manuscripts failing to meet this requirement will be rejected.
Authors are advised not to use unverified or unreliable plagiarism-checking tools.
Processing and Publication Charges
At present, The Epione does not charge authors any submission, processing, or publication fees. The journal operates on a free-access model to encourage the dissemination of high-quality research and support researchers globally, especially those from resource-limited settings.
Key Points:
No Submission Fee: Authors can submit their manuscripts free of cost.
No Processing Fee: Peer review and editorial services are provided at no charge to authors.
No Publication Fee: Accepted manuscripts are published free of cost, including open-access availability.
This policy ensures that financial constraints do not become a barrier to publishing innovative and impactful research. Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality work for publication in The Epione under this initiative.
Review Procedure
Initial screening by editorial staff for relevance and originality.
Articles with ethical approval and similarity index <19% proceed to double-blind peer review.
Reviewed by 3-4 subject experts (national and international).
Peer-Review Outcomes
Accept without revisions.
Accept with minor revisions.
Accept with major revisions.
Revise and resubmit.
Reject outright.
Open Access Statement
Withdrawal Policy
Before Acceptance: Manuscripts can be withdrawn by written request before peer review or with valid ethical reasons afterward.
After Acceptance: Manuscripts cannot be withdrawn after acceptance.
Ethical Considerations
Human studies must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki (1983).
Animal studies must adhere to National Research Council guidelines.
For vulnerable populations, explicit consent from legal guardians and assent (when applicable) must be obtained.
Attach a copy of the Ethics Committee approval letter.
Complaint and Appeal Process
Authors can submit complaints or appeals to .
Complaints are acknowledged within 5 working days.
Appeals for rejected manuscripts are reviewed by the editorial board.
Advertising Policy
Advertisements for print editions are accepted upon approval by the Editor-in-Chief.
Contact Information
For queries, contact:
Phone: +92 321 211 9292